This month on my Patreon site I have a little fun with direct brush painting and some leftover paint.
During the first demo of the month I do this portrait sketch and discuss looking for values and value shapes, brush and paint choices I make; and some fun with a gouache background.
Additional demos are scheduled for the month.
I’d like to encourage all of you here at RozWoundUp to think about sketching directly with a brush this month and beyond.
There are so many benefits because it opens up learning moments we aren’t always open to when we put down an ink, or even a pencil drawing to start.
Direct brush painting lets you be a bit more flexible about how you proceed, what you might change in mid painting—and of course it’s a fun way to use up that leftover paint.
At the left is a close up of the eye portion of the sketch. You can see the two layers of gouache I put down for the background. The texture comes from using a cold press watercolor paper (here Arches) and thick paint. I love the juxtaposition between the thick paint and the transparent paint in the face portion of the painting.
If you would like to find out more about this approach and see additional demos about values I hope you’ll come and join me on Patreon. Have a great September!