Currently Browsing: Visual Journaling 1149 articles
How I Use Gesso: Some Approaches and Thoughts
Recently a subscriber on my Patreon site asked me about a gesso comment I made during a webinar. It seemed easier to answer the question with a video response. And once the video was finished I realized a lot of readers here would probably like this information as well. It’s something I’ve discussed in past […]
What I Did in the Pandemic: Journaling of Course
Roz: I used to go out and overlisten…can’t think of the word…eavesdrop. Dick: Yeah, “overlisten”: You made up a new word for overhearing. [Above: an actual conversation recorded on an index page.] Returning readers will know that there were some digital glitches just when the Pandemic got started. My Drobo died and had to rebuild […]
In Context: My Life Is a Stream of Detective Shows
…often the detectives meet on the page. Update: People didn’t recognize Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg from the long-running “Perry Mason” with Raymond Burr. Yes, he has nothing to do with Poirot, that’s what I meant by my life being a stream of detective shows—meeting on the page. If you’re one of the folks […]
In Context: A Little Doodling
You’ll remember that in December I was trying to finish a couple journals so I could count the pages in my yearly total. By the start of December I knew that unless something drastic happened I would have no problems meeting that goal. Everything was progressing at a rational (i.e., no long sessions of drawing, […]
Don’t Be Limited
I couldn’t leave a week during which I discussed the use of space on a page, without including this portrait from the end of last year. I’m the queen of running off the page. Not planning sufficiently. This means in my haste I often miss the thing that engaged me most—the base of […]
Still Not a Waste
To continue my thoughts from Monday’s post I just had to share this page spread from one of my journals. Typically in this type of book (a commercially bound, lined journal bought in a bookshop and made for notes not illustration) I’m pushing the boundaries of what I can get away with using my usual […]
Not a Waste of Space
The questions I get most from visual journaling students surround the issue of the use of space on a page or spread. There are a lot of factors that feed the questions, swirl around in the mind and stopping action. I like to remind students that the more they journal the more these questions will […]
Notes from Past Conversations
One of the benefits to come out of downsizing is the sorting through of things, notes, boxes, shelves, and nooks and cranies. Lots of things turn up. I have been putting the little scraps of things into my current journal if they mean something to me. Here’s a little note I made after a conversation […]
What I Did in the Pandemic: Pepper Sketches Of Course!
I’ve been trying to get my digital files organized, and I came across this post from 2020 during the pandemic. I don’t know why I had this large landscape book, and Akademie Watercolor Journal from Hahnemühle. This is their student line of paper. The book is nicely bound, the paper is OK, but […]
In Context: Showing Up
My page text is about showing up; click on the image to read it. It’s something I wrote independently from the sketch, but as so frequently happens in journaling, they relate to each other. But as artists we need to remember it’s our job to look at everything and find some thread of empathy and […]