October 31, 2022
First, About the Blog Structure
Pardon my mess—this site is still only partially fixed after I first moved to WordPress at the start of 2017.
After moving the blog from Typepad to WordPress in 2017 I discovered that Typepad doesn’t play well with other platforms. Especially image heavy blogs like mine.
Most blog entries before 2017 will have images you can’t click on to expand. But you’ll still be able to see the images well enough to understand any comments or discussion about features in the images.
In the meantime I’ve discovered that the only fix possible is a manual one, and we’re talking about thousands of images that would have to be re-linked—but first found with Typepad’s weird naming structure). The blog is not a money generator so I can’t justify hiring someone to do this. I don’t have the time away from work to do it myself so progress in fixing this will be very slow. I’m sorry if this frustrates you, but at least you’ll still be able to read the posts and access the information with a image in place.
Since 2017 I have fixed some blog posts that were the most useful or frequently referenced by my students.
Many other blog posts have been archived awaiting other fixes. If you come across a post that says, “Private,” or “Password Protected,” or words to that effect, you’ve reached one of those posts. Only my new website tech and I have access to those post.
Never fear—for most posts if you use the blog’s keyword search engine you’ll find another post that has a similar discussion—I tend to revisit ideas that intrigue me or come up often with my students.
(Please don’t bother to write suggesting plug-ins, it was a plug-in’s promise that this was possible that caused the problem in the first place. I did my research but took the advice of an ill-informed expert.)
In the meantime I hope that you read my blog posts. There are over 2,800 of them.
About Roz
If you can’t wait to learn something about me click on any blog post, go to the right column and scroll down past the Patreon topic reminders, and the Patreon and class link to SEARCH, and CATEGORY selection. If you use the “Categories” pull down menu you can check out the category “Backstory” for a peak into my life. Or try “The Drawing Life” which includes posts that show how I bring drawing into my daily life.
If you’re here to learn about art materials or drawing and painting the category list will help you there too. I love experimentation and when I share my experiments I aim for specificity to help you make decisions about whether a tool, paper, or medium will work for you and your way of working.
Don’t forget the navigation at the top of each blog post page. Those subject tabs can get you to some specific information very quickly.
For instance the Book Arts tab in the navigation at the top of the page has links to my old website book arts gallery so you can see some of my bound books and book arts related work. That tab will also get you to information on throwing a portrait party (and making a book of the occasion), instructions on making a zine, how to make a simple slipcase for your book, information on paper grain, and instructions on how to tear down paper, etc.
I encourage you to explore those tabs.
And of course you can use the blog’s search function at any time. Keywords like “gouache” will bring up a list of hundreds of posts.
I appreciate your patience while continue to making the blog manageable.
If you’re interested in taking a class with me there is some potential bad news. After complications with cataract surgery in 2019 I’ve suspended live, in-person classes. I also no longer have the vision to edit the of hours of video I was putting into my online classes so that effort was also suspended.
I do, however, still do demos and webinars on my Patreon blog Roz Interim. There you can subscribe to view current and past demos and discussions. (I started this at the end of 2019 and the site is rich with demos, projects, and instructions.)
This blog page on “Classes—FAQ 2020,” will give you links to reach my work, including free demos, on other social media outlets link YouTube and Instagram.
In the future, if my circumstances change and I begin teaching in-person classes again I’ll update that page. For now, the best way to engage with me is to subscribe to my Patreon blog so that you can see how I work, hear me talk about how I work, and be engaged with me on the monthly topics in the live webinars (at the Tier 3 subscription level). I’m finding this platform great fun to stay in touch with past and new students.
When I started the Patreon site I promised subscribers that the material I posted there would not be posted anywhere else for at least 6 months. Since December 2019, only two or three things from my Patreon blog have been shared with the general public, usually after at least 12 months. I hope you’ll consider subscribing.
If you would like to contact me please leave a comment or question at the end of the related blog post, or use the “CONTACT ROZ” tab in the navigation menu. (Or use the link I’ve inserted here.) I try to reply within 3 days.
Thanks for stopping by my blog to check out what I’m up to.
Get some sketching done today!