Currently Browsing: Beards 360 articles
Another Look at the Sennelier Ink Brush Pen
I mentioned the other day that I picked up four of the Sennelier Ink Brush Pens. Since then I keep using them for warm up sketches. Today you can see a warm-up sketch made with the Payne’s Gray brush pen. I’ve included the video of the sketch session on YouTube at this link. My […]
What I Did in the Pandemic: Thoughts
The page spread from 2020 is the post. That’s a sketch of a chef on one of the many cooking competition shows I watch. It’s simply fun to watch people create things.
Hesitation: Reluctant to Start a New Project
Recently one of my students wrote to me that she was hesitant about starting a new project. Hesitancy springs from a lot of issues and conditions. Hesitancy can arise as resistance and part of the ongoing barrage of negative talk you might experience from your internal critic. It can also exist because you have […]
Working in a Grid
Last fall I started doing a series of talks and posts for my Patreon subscribers about working with grids. There are tons of reasons you might want to do this but the main reason is to keep your momentum going when you find you don’t have a lot of time to make art. Even if […]
How Things Line Up
When you post on Instagram your images shuffle over and your whole grid of images, all the way back to your first post shuffle over. Rows change contents. I know there are folks who really plan the organization of their posts so that there is some type of cohesive whole going on. But since my […]
Don’t Be Limited
I couldn’t leave a week during which I discussed the use of space on a page, without including this portrait from the end of last year. I’m the queen of running off the page. Not planning sufficiently. This means in my haste I often miss the thing that engaged me most—the base of […]
Not a Waste of Space
The questions I get most from visual journaling students surround the issue of the use of space on a page or spread. There are a lot of factors that feed the questions, swirl around in the mind and stopping action. I like to remind students that the more they journal the more these questions will […]
Notes from Past Conversations
One of the benefits to come out of downsizing is the sorting through of things, notes, boxes, shelves, and nooks and cranies. Lots of things turn up. I have been putting the little scraps of things into my current journal if they mean something to me. Here’s a little note I made after a conversation […]
In Context: Thoughts from My Conversations
Sometimes I write down whole conversations, sometimes I write snippets. They always remind me of things I’m considering. I’ve been back trying to salvage my scan archive. A little bit of memory lane.