Currently Browsing: Commercially Bound Journals 448 articles
Another Look at the Sennelier Ink Brush Pen
I mentioned the other day that I picked up four of the Sennelier Ink Brush Pens. Since then I keep using them for warm up sketches. Today you can see a warm-up sketch made with the Payne’s Gray brush pen. I’ve included the video of the sketch session on YouTube at this link. My […]
My Relationship with Perry Mason, Part 47 of ?
I don’t even know how to begin to document my relationship to “Perry Mason” (the television series starring Raymond Burr. (I also enjoy the new version with Matthew Rhys but I’ve been saving the final episodes of that since it hasn’t been renewed for a third season, but that will definitely have to be a […]
Drawing to Improve Your Mood
Recovering from the iliac vein dissection has been difficult. It’s placed limits on my mobility and energy. I’ve had to change how I think about exercise. My heart is broken that I can’t cycle any more. One morning I wrote this caption on the next page in my journal, after a painful effort of exertion. […]
What I Did in the Pandemic: Thoughts
The page spread from 2020 is the post. That’s a sketch of a chef on one of the many cooking competition shows I watch. It’s simply fun to watch people create things.
What I Did in the Pandemic: Zooming
During the Pandemic I did Zoom calls with friends, as you’ll learn if you read this page spread—which is full of writos; it was late, I was tired, but you can tell what I meant to write in context. For the first time in 43 years I was learning what it was like to have […]
What I Did in the Pandemic: Journaling of Course
Roz: I used to go out and overlisten…can’t think of the word…eavesdrop. Dick: Yeah, “overlisten”: You made up a new word for overhearing. [Above: an actual conversation recorded on an index page.] Returning readers will know that there were some digital glitches just when the Pandemic got started. My Drobo died and had to rebuild […]
Hesitation: Reluctant to Start a New Project
Recently one of my students wrote to me that she was hesitant about starting a new project. Hesitancy springs from a lot of issues and conditions. Hesitancy can arise as resistance and part of the ongoing barrage of negative talk you might experience from your internal critic. It can also exist because you have […]
Attitude—is it a glance, a glare, the curl of a hair, the posture, the stance? The incorporated whole embodying presence.
No Exaggeration, This Time
Really, I mean it.
In Context: My Life Is a Stream of Detective Shows
…often the detectives meet on the page. Update: People didn’t recognize Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg from the long-running “Perry Mason” with Raymond Burr. Yes, he has nothing to do with Poirot, that’s what I meant by my life being a stream of detective shows—meeting on the page. If you’re one of the folks […]