Currently Browsing: Earth’s World 9 articles
Looking at the Sennelier Ink Brush Pen
Note: I’ve just placed the sketches in order, in the gallery below. The order is important if you want to follow along with the experiment. I was working with photos of fair goers from @earthsworld. Early in April I saw an ad for the Sennelier Ink Brush Pen. They look like the Pentel ColorBrush. They […]
Another Green Sheet
When I’m testing a pen or a paper (or in this case both) I like to work with them for several days. So the day after that green lady from my previous post, I sketched this woman—again a fair goer from @earthsworld. My thoughts on this face were a bit different. I added a bit […]
Why That Color of Paper?
Artists make choices all day long. Sometimes the choices are obvious. I drew my dogs all the time, obviously because they were live in life models. I draw birds because they have occupied my mind my whole life. I work in watercolor and pen and ink because I love the notions and physical realities of […]
Don’t Be Limited
I couldn’t leave a week during which I discussed the use of space on a page, without including this portrait from the end of last year. I’m the queen of running off the page. Not planning sufficiently. This means in my haste I often miss the thing that engaged me most—the base of […]
Not a Waste of Space
The questions I get most from visual journaling students surround the issue of the use of space on a page or spread. There are a lot of factors that feed the questions, swirl around in the mind and stopping action. I like to remind students that the more they journal the more these questions will […]
In Context: Showing Up
My page text is about showing up; click on the image to read it. It’s something I wrote independently from the sketch, but as so frequently happens in journaling, they relate to each other. But as artists we need to remember it’s our job to look at everything and find some thread of empathy and […]
For the Love of Negative Space
I hear all sorts of things from my journaling students. “How much negative space should I leave on my journal spread?” “How much space should surround my focal point?” “How much text and how much more illustration should I put on my page spread?” “How should I arrange these 5 things on my page spread […]
Warming Up: Sketching Mullets
All hairdos are interesting to me because they are expressions of the individual and how he wanted to be perceived. I have to say next to 18th century wigs mullets are the hairstyle most fun for me to sketch. Did you realize that there are now “modern” mullets? All sorts of variations? I’ll leave you […]
Bringing Some Files Up-to-date
I’ve been attempting to reorganize past sketching files and blog post ideas. Images pop up in the search and I think I might have already posted about them. Instead I discover that I’ve only posted a cropped portion on Instagram. I haven’t posted the full image or written about it. And it was in my […]