Here’s a page spread of contour drawings from my “cataract surgery year” I just found.
Both surgeries were past and we knew I’d be living permanently with the flare, glare, and double vision. But I still wanted to get my daily drawing in.
And I believe I wanted to say something about using different pen tips—fine, and bold as desired.
Because I’m always trying to save you from getting into my bad habits like: not getting up to get a different pen; using leftover paint when it really would be better to set more out; or to even set out some clean white paint! To name just a few.
I think there is something really fun about the bold outline I added to this sketch of a baker and the top half of Paul Hollywood’s head from “The Great British Baking Show.” It separates them, or course, but I also think it gives them a lift individually. Like bold outlines on tattoos.
Play with different pen types. You might discover just the mark you were looking for.