Below is the edited version of a live stream demonstration I did publicly several weeks ago.
I’m posting it here on my blog because some readers may have missed it when I did it live in Facebook on my RozStendahl feed. It is no longer available there.
I took it down so that I could edit it.
I removed a bit where I had to go and fetch water, and another bit where I tried to located some tubes of paint. In other words I tried to make it tighter for everyone viewing it, because it is a long process. Even with these edits it’s still a 2 hour and 35 or so minute video. Editing also allowed me to insert the photo reference so you can see it as I work on the painting.
I think there are some really good things in this demo. There are parts of this portrait that I really like, and there are decision points in the execution which I talk about in the film as they are happening. (I also talk about why drawing and painting beards is so useful.)
If you’re interested in painting in watercolor I encourage you to watch the video. I discuss many tips for working in watercolor, whether you use ink or pencil first, or direct brush.
This video also gives you the opportunity to see how I work myself into a hole and then work myself out. I think it’s good for you to see that. One of the things we learn painting in watercolor (even more so than in other media) is that we need to be flexible and alert. It’s important to keep our intention at the front of our mind, but it’s also important to be able to change gears and go in different ways if necessary to save a painting.
If you haven’t seen this video yet I hope that you will be able to find time to view it.