Currently Browsing: Gouache 312 articles
In Context: I Love a Bit of Marigold
In a scribbly mood. But it wasn’t enough, I still had to move some paint around. Uni Posca Markers scribbled down, black brush pen on top, and marigold gouache (Holbein, because I like to use it for backgrounds). Handbook 140 lb watercolor paper, in the 5 x 8 inch (or so—it isn’t in front of […]
What’s Happening on Patreon/RozInterim in September?
This month on my Patreon site I have a little fun with direct brush painting and some leftover paint. During the first demo of the month I do this portrait sketch and discuss looking for values and value shapes, brush and paint choices I make; and some fun with a gouache background. Additional demos are […]
Brush Forensics
A few years ago I was asked to create an illustrated love letter for a show of such letters at a local gallery. At the time I wasn’t traveling much. For me a really good love letter requires time and distance to ferment. I chose instead to write a love note to Dick about the […]
Clearing Up Some Confusion About Gouache
After Monday’s post on the Stoneground Gouache Pans I want to clear up some confusion about gouache—a question I have received a lot over the years. Question: I am writing to ask if you know of any gouache that doesn’t have acrylic paint in it? I’ve developed super sensitivities to chemical odors, can’t use […]
A Look at Stoneground Gouache Pans
Everyone who reads my blog knows that I love gouache. I have since childhood. So I was excited to see a new gouache, Stoneground Gouache, bring out a line of gouache in pans. Who doesn’t like the ease of having pans of paint when out and about? I’ve done a video product […]
Leftover Paint
Sometimes I’m just in a mood. I might have a lot of paint leftover on the palette, I might start drawing with a tool I don’t usually draw with and want to cover it up; I might… On this day it was a little bit of all of that—just exploring and experimenting. When the red […]
Paint Advice: Filling Watercolor Pans with Tube Paint
Note: I’ll be published this post on my Patreon site in answer to some question. I think it is useful here as well because I do get a lot of questions on this aspect of my practice and many posts on RWU relating to it are now in the non-public archive. I hope this will […]
In Context: Attitudes
UPDATE 3.6.23 at 2:30 p.m. Email responses about this post make it clear to me my post was confusing. In the original post below I’m writing about the serendipity of journaling and its positive effects in our lives. I believe that we can choose how we react to things helped by the process of journaling. […]
My Favorites Are Not Your Favorites; It’s a Good Thing
It always momentarily amazes me which paintings I post on Instagram get the most likes. Paintings I absolutely love usually gain low scores. Dogs and chickens are popular. I understand that. I offer this comment here for past students who may wonder why people are not falling in love with the painting they just posted […]
What Is a Study?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.