Currently Browsing: quotations 18 articles


In Context: My Life Is a Stream of Detective Shows

…often the detectives meet on the page. Update: People didn’t recognize Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg from the long-running “Perry Mason” with Raymond Burr. Yes, he has nothing to do with Poirot, that’s what I meant by my life being a stream of detective shows—meeting on the page. If you’re one of the folks […]


Notes from Past Conversations

One of the benefits to come out of downsizing is the sorting through of things, notes, boxes, shelves, and nooks and cranies. Lots of things turn up. I have been putting the little scraps of things into my current journal if they mean something to me. Here’s a little note I made after a conversation […]


In Context: Attitudes

UPDATE 3.6.23 at 2:30 p.m. Email responses about this post make it clear to me my post was confusing. In the original post below I’m writing about the serendipity of journaling and its positive effects in our lives. I believe that we can choose how we react to things helped by the process of journaling. […]


In Context: Faces and Advice

No missing text for this post, just an in-context post from my journal. (Bakers from the Great British Baking Show.) 


In Context: Quotations

Reading is a way to have conversations when you’re alone in a room. You and the author, trying to decipher what the characters are …


Reading Notes–from Delano Ames

What strikes you as important? Memorable? When you hear or read something do you jot it down? I’m always making reading notes. They have absolutely (usually, as now) nothing to do with my sketches on the page. They were just part of the same day. I jot them down, and move on. I do find […]


In Context: Thinking about Westerns, and, Oh, a Chicken

  I was watching something the other day (18 months ago!) and Jim Jarmusch said succinctly, what I’ve always felt about Westerns. And either that evening or on the next day there was a chicken documentary and I had to watch that too.  


In Context—Quotations from Revisited Books

The one highlight of going through my books and culling things out is that I’ve been able to re-read books out-of-sight for 20 or more years.  It’s like saying hello to old friends. With Delano Ames it’s a very insightful friend.


In Context—Books I’ve Been Reading

I’ve been downsizing my library, so I have been spending my free-time in the past year rereading books before I give them away. Here’s a character’s take on crime-novel reading. I have my own theories on the popularity of mysteries and crime fiction. And of course on my own readership of those genres. But hey, […]


In Context—More Pep Talks from the Archives

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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