Currently Browsing: Ink Wash 76 articles
No Exaggeration, This Time
Really, I mean it.
In Context: My Life Is a Stream of Detective Shows
…often the detectives meet on the page. Update: People didn’t recognize Ray Collins as Lt. Arthur Tragg from the long-running “Perry Mason” with Raymond Burr. Yes, he has nothing to do with Poirot, that’s what I meant by my life being a stream of detective shows—meeting on the page. If you’re one of the folks […]
British Baking—More Amazing Hair
Another sketch showing the amazing hair of baker Rochica (I hope I’ve got the correct spelling of her name) from the Great British Baking Show. Today find someone with extraordinary hair and capture that person in your journal. Enjoy his/her/their presence in the world—they are a gift.
In Context: Some Neighborhood Excitement
I’ve been playing with grids—more about that on another day—and looking out the window at the world. Why not sketch the tree cutting process? Sometimes you just want to take it all in—and I didn’t want to get pigments in the kitchen sink! The sketch on the page is an actor I’d sketched the day […]
Blick’s White Sulphite Drawing Paper
The other day a friend stopped over with some of Blick’s White Sulphite Drawing Paper. She was going to do some gel printing on it, but she thought I might enjoy testing it. I did. I videotaped my first drawing session using this paper. You can hear my opinions about the paper and learn other […]
Studies: Observing the Subject Over and Over
Studies are something all visual artists do, pretty much every day. Studies are about cementing the observation of a subject into a visual approach you can apply to your paper or canvas. But studies don’t always happen before you make a more finished piece. On this page spread, which is in a Canson 180 Sketchbook […]
In Context: I Invent a New Game for Two Or More
You can read the text on the page spread if you click to enlarge it. As to the brush and ink wash sketch—I was watching the Great British Baking show that evening.
In Context: Bedtime Rituals Part 2
Sometimes at the end of the day I like to watch “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” and sketch Ryan Stiles. There is something refreshing and healing about having a good laugh at the end of the day. I guess this means that in my philosophy Ryan Stiles’ work is as essential as puppies. (See previous […]
In Context: Faces and Advice
No missing text for this post, just an in-context post from my journal. (Bakers from the Great British Baking Show.)