Currently Browsing: Birds 302 articles
Drawing to Improve Your Mood
Recovering from the iliac vein dissection has been difficult. It’s placed limits on my mobility and energy. I’ve had to change how I think about exercise. My heart is broken that I can’t cycle any more. One morning I wrote this caption on the next page in my journal, after a painful effort of exertion. […]
How Things Line Up
When you post on Instagram your images shuffle over and your whole grid of images, all the way back to your first post shuffle over. Rows change contents. I know there are folks who really plan the organization of their posts so that there is some type of cohesive whole going on. But since my […]
Trying Out Dagger Brushes (Part Two of I haven’t a Clue How Many Posts)
Now and then I get a desire to test something new. Sometimes I hear about a new product, or a friend mentions something to me. Sometimes I go to the store and see something and wonder what it would be like to use that tool or medium. Other times, like recently, I unpack brushes that […]
Trying Out Some New Watercolor Brushes
What better time to test different types of watercolor brushes then when you are filling up the final pages of a journal made with great gelatin-sized paper!? That’s what I’m up to as the year moves to a close and I have 16 page spreads left in a hand-bound journal. Studio unpacking has progressed to […]
What’s Coming Up on RozInterim/Patreon?
It’s actually difficult to talk about what’s coming up on my Patreon site right now. Despite the iliac vein dissection and recovery I’ve been pushing my work, but in smaller chunks. So it’s easier to present it in a continuous stream or stretch instead of specific themes each month. In other words, themes are spilling […]
In Context: Anywhere But Here…
Typically when I process my images into bloggable sizes I put them in a folder titled to hint at what I want to discuss in a post containing those images. These folders go into my “possible blog posts” folder which currently has 663 folders. EEEK I’d better get writing. Well today’s image was in a […]
Eyes—What I’m Looking at in June on Patreon
Whether you work in pencil, gouache, watercolor, pen, acrylic, eraser carving, silverpoint, color pencil…it doesn’t matter—rendering eyes is critical to the success of a portrait. The eyes show the character and soul of your subject. You want to get that down for your viewer. You want the gaze of your subject to draw the viewer […]
Birds and Light
Crows and ravens have the most amazing colors in their plumage. They are so fun to sketch. This is in a Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook. This sketch is a quick one I made while watching some nature show, practicing quick color layering and hoping that I would be going to the Minnesota State Fair this […]
In Context: Thinking about Westerns, and, Oh, a Chicken
I was watching something the other day (18 months ago!) and Jim Jarmusch said succinctly, what I’ve always felt about Westerns. And either that evening or on the next day there was a chicken documentary and I had to watch that too.
The Journal as Workbook
Below is a video which explains my view of the journal, and how I use my journal in my daily practice. Students in my “Drawing Practice: Drawing Live Subjects in Public” class asked me to share it publicly when I shut down my on-line teaching platform at the end of last year. They wanted to […]